Physics Organization for Innovation and Technology

POINT SLAC trip funded by AS Finance and Business committee

About Our Club

POINT is a project-based club at UCSB that aims to provide students with hands-on experience that can help prepare for getting involved in research, particularly in coding, electronics, 3D printing, and soldering. We are currently working on a number of projects (the larger of which can be viewed under the Projects tab) and we are open to beginning more projects. All club meetings take place in the makerspace, Broida 3215, unless otherwise specified.

Meeting times:

General meetings:Monday 5pm-6pm

Telescope Project meetings:TBD

Fiber Coupling Project meetings:TBD

Useful contacts for our group:

President: Rob Shields: robertshields@ucsb.edu

Vice President: Shane Tobin: shanetobin@ucsb.edu

Treasurer: David Gong: davidgong@ucsb.edu

Staff Liaison: Connor Lindsay: connorlindsay@ucsb.edu

History and credits

The club was founded in 2019 by Scott Marino, Davis Thuillier, Anna Pedersen, and Jacob Litvin to increase physics students' access to engineering and research resources. In a major that is often so theoretical, this club was formed to aid in gaining useful hands-on experience for technical work. The club began taking on projects from labs, supervised by Dr. Philip Lubin, who taught a Physics 150 course on Modern Design to aid physics students' design skills. Returning to these roots, Dr. David Stuart and Connor Lindsay will be teaching a Physics 150 course in the Winter 2025 quarter, teaching, primarily physics sophomores and juniors, the techniques POINT aims to develop.

Former Officers:

Casey Borden (President), Shaoqui Chen (Vice President) 2023-2024

Anthony Lu (President), Anmol Kapoor (Vice President) 2022-2023

Davis Thuillier (President), Anna Pedersen (Vice President), Jacob Litvin (Treasurer) 2020-2022

Scott Marino (Inaugural President), Davis Thuillier (Vice President), Anna Pedersen (Vice President), Jacob Litvin (Treasurer) 2019-2020